Thanks Ted for the great video. Man, did Brian dislike Thad Matta! Brian told me he made B.J. turn Matta's bobble head around. He was also on 700 WLW all the time and I think in the Cincinnati Enquirer. I am certain Fr. Graham never thought Brian would become "the official spokesperson for Xavier University" regarding Matta's departure!
Brian also told me he called Matta's office at OSU - from Hong Kong - when he found out Matta sent his wife to Fr. Hoff's funeral. Man, was he mad! Brian left a long, pointed voice mail, that according to him was "from the heart." He pointed out to Thad that Skip Prosser and Pete Gillen were there and Matta sent his wife to "to do a man's job." He left his name, phone number and told Thad to "call him any time to discuss."
Brian loved thinking about Matta's reaction. He could hear Thad asking
"who the hell is Brian McCormick?" and wondering why there were all these odd digits on caller ID.
Again, only Brian.