
XU student gets to buy books thanks to Brian

Mr. McCormick:

I wanted to personally thank you for setting up the fund that allow me to buy books this semester. Mr. Schiess gave me money from this fund to help me continue here at Xavier. From the bottom of my heart, thank you for your kindness.


Name Withheld


16 year ago today

Susan and I got married 16 years ago. What a great day. From what I understand, our best man Brian and his “idiot friends” also had an amazing reception and after party as well. I remember Mark Libs being asked what happened. He would say “do you want the long or the short version?” Needless to say, the night involved Halloween costumes, limos, the US Secret Service, terrorizing the Dayton Marriott and Charlie P___ being locked out of his hotel room (not wearing any pants). Oh, by the way, Brian had mono, felt like crap and looked completely grey the entire day. He, of course, still partied like a rock star. Both he and my mom always said it “was the best wedding ever.” I will always be proud to tell anyone he was my best man.  Miss you Brian.


3 1/2 years

We lost Brian three and a half years ago today.  It still doesn’t seem real or fair.  Our lives have changed, yet Brian is still not with us.  I think about him almost constantly.  Wishing he could be with us watching Patrick play football or Caroline play soccer.  Though I cannot see him, I feel that he is aware of what is going on in our lives and trying to help all of us. 

I remember us laughing at stupid stuff, hilarious antics/posts on the Xavier basketball boards or just laughing in general.  Brian said one phrase that makes Susan and me still laugh out loud.  I don’t know how he came up with it, but only Brian could use it effectively.  Once I was giving him some guff.  Brian looked at me, paused and then said in a matter of fact way “quit sweating my flava.”  (Justin:  “flava” equals “flavor.”)   I laughed out loud at his remark and then Brian did too.  My guess is he heard that phrase a while back and waited weeks for the most appropriate time to use it. 

That is what I always come back to with Brian.  He loved to laugh and have fun.  He had a great laugh too.  That is what I am thinking about today because God knows Brian did (and told us) 1,000 things that made us all laugh out loud with – and at – Brian. 

Smile today and don’t sweat anyone’s flava!


A Christmas Story

This past weekend I visited a friend staying in Cleveland and fulfilled a long-time wish. Not knowing many activities on a Sunday in Cleveland beyond watching the Browns, or going to the Great Lake Brewery that is closed on Sundays, we decided to head to A Christmas Story house.

As anyone who remotely knew Brian can tell you, the Christmas Story played a prominent role in holiday activities. While going on the tour we went through the kitchen and people were taking pictures of themselves mimicking the activities from the movie. I got my picture taken holding the Red Rider BB gun and fondling the leg lamp.

Then I saw the kitchen sink and immediately thought of Randy crying underneath it believing that Ralphie would be killed by his Dad when he got home because Ralphie was caught swearing while beating the crap out of Scott Farkus. I was presssured by my friend and girlfriend to reenact Randy underneath the sink but I resisted because I'm technically an adult and I didn't feel like demeaning myself. Then my girlfriend said to me "What would Brian do?" After that I knew I had no choice.

Love and miss you Brian.