
Merry Christmas from Brian

Yesterday at Christmas Eve mass I said a little prayer asking for Brian to give us a sign he is still with us.  Today, all four of us were in the VIP Lounge setting up a video game.  Out of nowhere we all heard a short blast of static from Patrick’s Blue Man Group drum machine.  This machine was given to Patrick from Brian and was not being used.   Susan and I looked at each other with surprise.  Patrick asked “what was that?”  Susan said “your Uncle Brian just said Merry Christmas.”
Some would say this is a weird coincidence.  I prefer to say “thank you Brian.  Miss and love you.”


You have to respect that!

Brian Dargin Gunnoe is our cousin and from Kansas City.  He was named for Brian and goes by Dargin.  He had his tonsils removed yesterday. From our understanding the surgery went well and he is fine.  Interestingly, Dargin absolutely refused to wear the hospital gown.  His parents and nurses did not know what to do.  Like the boss that he is, Dargin decided to walk to surgery – down the corridor – completely naked!  Talk about not letting “The MAN” get him down!  Dargin, you namesake would be proud.  Easy to see how they are related!


"With the help of your funds, I am able to pursue my academic goals so that one day I can give back to others."

Dear McCormick Family:

My name is ____ _____ and I am a Junior Environmental Sciences major here at Xavier University.  I would like to say a personal THANK YOU for awarding me funds from the Brian McCormick Fund.  I am very grateful.  These funds have allowed me to register for my classes for the spring semester and to remove the hold on my account.  Because of these funds, I am able to continue my education at Xavier University.  My experience at Xavier has been wonderful.  The faculty are very nice and they really care about our understanding as students.  Everyone here is very open and accepting.  I could not have chosen a better place for my undergraduate education.  With the help of your funds, I am able to pursue my academic goals so that one day I can give back to others. 

Thank you again!  Your help is very appreciated.


Name withheld


The Lord of the Dance

I heard some of the “Lord of the Dance” music this week.  It made me remember the time Brian got us tickets for my mom’s birthday.  The event was after Christmas and my mom, Brian, Susan and I attended.  As usual, Brian got us great seats at the US Bank Arena.  We actually sat in the penalty box for the Cincinnati Cyclones and were only a few rows from the stage.  My mom enjoyed it and cried as usual.  We had a good time. 

The funniest thing in my memory was Brian coming back from the restroom and had one beer in each hand.  As I was taking a pull I noticed that we were the only people in the entire stadium drinking beer watching Lord of the Dance.  I mean, only Brian would find the one guy selling beer (or, did he steal it?) and have no problem brazeningly drinking it in front of the entire stadium.  He was famous (infamous?) for pulling these kinds of stunts. 
I also remembered Brian would occasionly dance like an Irish dancer.   He was absolutely terrible.   (I think there is even a picture out there of him wearing a kilt from a Xavier party!)  That did not stop him from doing the Irish jig at parties and once at our Cousin Jennifer’s wedding in New York to House of Pain’s “Jump Around.”  God, he was awful.  But, it did not stop him from getting his Irish on!


"...maybe someday I can impact someone as much as you did for me."

Mr. McCormick:

My name is ____ ____ and I was a recipient of your Brian McCormick fund.  I wanted to thank you, although I cannot thank you enough, for granting me the opportunity to follow up my studies here at Xavier University.

A little about myself, I am an Environmental Science major.  It is my third year here and I am the first in my entire family to come to a school as privileged as Xavier.  I only have one older sister, and she went to community college.  My sister finished two years and dedicated them to me with my single mother as a sitter, to work and help me pay for my studies.  Our family of three has made it far, and we continue to hold to our value; “the best and only inheritance we have is education.”  My mother came from Mexico and unfortunately did not finish more than high school.   Therefore, every day she encouraged me and is proud of me and my continuous education of myself in something that I am very passionate about.

I know that the second requirement of this grant is to give back when I have the chance.  I grew up in a culture of gratitude and self-sacrifice.  I have grown up with strong ethics and was taught that every day I have the ability to give back and to never forget to come back to where I came from.

Again, I cannot express how grateful I am for your gift.  Your self-giving not only helped me incredibly financially, but it made me feel great to know that someone, who I haven’t even met, believes that I am meaningful to them.  That good people are here and that is possible for me to keep holding to my values because maybe someday I can impact someone as much as you did for me. 

Thank you so much again and I wish you and your family many blessings.

Peace be with you,

Name withheld
** You are most welcome and God Bless.  Again, all gifts are from funds donated by Brian's friends, family and the XU community.**  


Brian helps a girl from Kenya pursue her dreams

Mr. McCormick:
Thank you for your kindest donation to Xavier that has helped kept me (a girl from Kenya) in the pursuit of my dreams in science as Physics major.  I hope to inspire the other girls in the future to explore opportunities and afford them just as your generous donation had done for me.  I will continue to pursue these opportunities to ensure a worthwhile investment of your funds.
Name withheld    


"Thanks to you, I am able to continue my education."

I would like to thank you for awarding me the Brian D. McCormick scholarship.  It is wonderful to know that you are committed to helping Xavier students in memory of your brother.  I greatly appreciate the donation.  You have made a huge impact on my Xavier experience.  Thanks to you, I am able to continue my education.  I am very grateful.  I will keep you in my heart.
Thank you!
Name withheld
You are most welcome.  Again, this is not "my" fund. Brian's family and friends deserve all the thanks.  They work very hard to keep Brian's dream of helping needy Xavier students in financial distress a reality.  All we ask is that one day, when you are able, you try and return the favor.  Good luck and God Bless!  MDM 


I think Brian would agree that this guy won Halloween.


Congratulations to Meredith Gunnoe!

Best wishes to Meredith and Andy on their recent engagement. (Nice rock!)

I am sure I can speak for all the Gunnoe boys (except Big Gary) - and for Brian - when I say "when is the bachelor party?"

Andy, get the remote in the pre-nup as you will soon release this is the best you will do.

God Bless!

Brian helps another teacher to be. "Through the Brian McCormick fund, I can look forward in hope to the future knowing everything will be alright."

Dear Mr. McCormick:

My name is _____ _____ and I am a Sophomore student at Xavier University. I'm writing you because your generosity has made a profound impact upon my life.

As of late, my family has been struggling to pay my college bill. And, as I look forward to my Junior year, the financial burden has weighed heavily on on our hearts and minds. Yet, thanks to you and your incredible gift through the Brian McCormick fund, I can look forward in hope to the future knowing everything will be alright. I can continue putting all my efforts into pursuing a degree in the Honors Philosophy, Politics and and the Public Program/Spanish double major with which I hope to leave my footprint on the world. Currently, my big dream is to be a teacher, touching the lives of children who are most in need of love and encouragement (like those I currently tutor at an inner-city school in Cincinnati.)

It is so much easier to pursue my dreams, focus on my schoolwork and to simply relish in the wonderful moments that make college unforgetable when I know that I'll be able to afford to come back to my Xavier home - where I belong. So, thank you again, Mr. McCormick, for your overwhelming generosity.

God Bless,

Name withheld


Justin & Ricky Bobby

We were watching "Talladega Nights: The Ballad of Ricky Bobby" last night and Susan said "Justin looks just like Will Ferrell."  With all due respect, I think he looks like Ricky Bobby!


Congratulation to Justin & Jenny Gunnoe!

Last week I was honored to be a groomsman for my cousin Justin Gunnoe.  He married his long-time girlfriend/fiancée Jenny in Columbus, Ohio.   It was a great day and it was fun catching up with all our relatives who we do not see enough. 

Brian came up several times that weekend.  Many discussed how Brian lovingly hung Justin to a doorknob by his underwear and how bad Brian was at golf.  The stories were great.  Justin tried to bring him up during the introduction of the groomsmen at the rehearsal dinner.  Drew also mentioned him during his eloquent best man (Gary Junior was also best man) speech.  Drew discussed how Brian was “the sixth groomsmen” and how he “would be here tonight.”  I was thinking about that remark when Justin was dancing with his mom Judy.  I do not know if they picked the tune – or the DJ selected it – but “Over the Rainbow/What a Wonderful World” by Israel "Iz" Kamakwiwo'ole was playing.  (Take a look at the youtube video below.  You know Brian would love the singer!)  

This is the song playing at the end of the superb “Finding Forester.”  This movie was loved by Brian and as I discussed before, this song is often heard during special family events.  Susan and I have heard this song version numerous times and consider it as one of Brian’s special ways he communicates to us, to say in effect, “I am here with you.”  Susan will often smile and say “there’s Brian” and “I know he is here with us.”

I believe Drew and Susan were both right.  There is no doubt in my mind Brian would be at Justin’s wedding.  After hearing “over the rainbow” while Justin and Judy were dancing, there is no doubt in my mind Brian was with us. 


"Rubbin' is racing!"

We just got back from our annual vacation in Door County Wisconsin. Except for being broiling hot early in the week, we had a grand time. One of the highlights was our frequent trips to Johnson Park for go-kart racing and skee-ball. It seems Patrick and Caroline have inherited the McCormick “NASCAR” gene that loves to race, taunt their opponents and win at all costs. Patrick has the perfect body for this “sport” – 80 pounds and a reasonable driving knowledge. Caroline is too short for the big cars. As the picture illustrates, she is just fine driving the “kid kars” with the smaller kids. (However, she loves being Daddy’s copilot in the two seat go-karts and lives to rub it in to anyone when we win).

I could not help but think of Brian every time we are in Door County and especially at Johnson Park. For you see, he lived for go-karts. He freaking LOVED go-karts and would stop at nothing to win.

Once he brought a girlfriend with him up to Door County. 20 minutes after unpacking we were all up at the track. He told Bridget in a very serious voice “I will put you in the wall if you get in my way.” Bridget blew him off thinking he was full of it. Brian said “I am not kidding.” She said “whatever” and still did not believe Brian. We all got in our karts while the hungover attendants gave instructions like “red peddle is the brake, green is the gas and NO BUMPING!” Brian ignored these instructions (like most he received in his life) and once he heard “go” he hit the gas and never, ever used the brake.

As you can guess, Brian did put Bridget in the wall in the very first turn. She got turned around and had to have the attendants help her. Bridget soon fell to last place and was not happy! I saw Brian thrust his right arm up triumphantly, flash the “number one” sign and do the “patented” McCormick head nod while smiling like a mad man. He was in his glory and was repeatedly warned by the 19 year old workers to “quit bumping,” “slow down” and “cut it out.” Brian, of course, ignored all their instructions and I believe won the race while scaring many 11 year olds.

After the race, Bridget was rather frosty and said “I can’t believe you put me in the wall.” Brian was almost surprised and said “well, I did warn you.” She icily said “I still can’t believe you did that.” Brian channeled his inner Ricky Bobby and said “hey, rubbin’ is racing.” As you can probably guess, Bridget and Brian did not make it as a couple.

I often think of the fall of 2002 when the entire McCormick clan was in Door County. Patrick was 18 months old; it was after 9/11 and was kind of cold. One day Brian and I went up to Johnson Park. We were the only racers and it was starting to rain. The workers took our tickets and simply said “have fun.” We had the track to ourselves and had a blast – while in the rain! Brian and I bumped like Bo and Luke Duke, we reversed directions, we did everything on a go-kart we possibly could. Finally, after about an hour, the workers gave us the sign to end the race. We were soaked, smelled like gas and had black soot all over us. We loved it and talked trash all the way back to the house. My mom thought we were nuts, told us we looked like “refugees” and “go clean up.”

Brian and I often talked about that glorious go-karting experience at Johnson Park. It was just us. Having fun, doing stupid stuff and not have a care in the world. It is one of my favorite memories in my life and I will cherish that moment with Brian forever. It is also why I love revisiting Johnson Park with my kids and will laugh one day when Caroline complains “Dad, Patrick put me in the wall!” I will tell her “blame Uncle Brian” and “honey, rubbin’ is racing.”


Brian's Fund featured in Xavier Magazine

Brian's memorial fund has been getting some serious press lately! 

The article below was featured in the Summer 2012 edition of Xavier Magazine.  Some of the reactions have been even more impressive.  Anne Ernst from Xavier's Development office let us know a very kind lady from Twinsburg Ohio saw the article and was moved to action.  Here is part of Anne's email to us:  "I thought you might like to know that _____ ______ read the article in the Xavier Magazine about you establishing the Student Success and Retention Fund in Brian’s name.  She was so impressed with the purpose of the fund that she contacted us and asked how she could make a donation."  I asked Anne if she had any connection to Brian.  Anne said: "None at all.  She was just impressed with the article and the purpose of the fund." 

All we can say is "wow" and "thank you."  The generosity of people is simply amazing and inspiring.  What a great gift that will pay dividends down the road for these Xavier students. 

Happy Father's Day to Dads everywhere.  Especially those who went to Xavier, paid for their kids to go to Xavier and root for XU! 


Brian's Fund
By Felix Winternitz

When a Xavier student can’t quite meet the monthly rent, handle a bookstore tab or pay off a niggling registrar bill, that’s when the McCormick family steps in to help.

Matt and Susan McCormick come to the table offering whatever it takes to keep a needy kid inside the Xavier classroom: “There have been over 60 kids now where, whether it be rent money or book money or registration fees, we’ve helped,” says Matt. 

This is the very reason that the couple established The Brian McCormick Memorial Fund—to assist financially struggling students, regardless of academic abilities. “Brian’s Fund is for anyone in economic distress, it doesn’t matter, race, creed or whatever, they just have to be Xavier students in immediate financial distress,” says Matt.

Matt, who earned a BSBA in 1992 in finance and an MBA in 1995 in marketing, and his wife Susan, a 1991 communications major with a minor in business, are doing all this in the name and memory of Matt’s brother, Brian, who died suddenly in 2008 at the age of 33. Brian graduated from Xavier in 1997 with a BA in advertising. “We were truly blessed to have him for 33 years,” says Matt. “Brian loved his family with his entire heart and soul. He was truly one of a kind and would light up a room with his boundless energy, amazing humor and unforgettable zest for life. Brian also loved Xavier and enjoyed playing rugby for his school. He was one of Xavier’s men’s basketball team’s most passionate fans. He relished in our team’s victories, and absolutely loved beating UD in every way possible.”

The establishment of Brian’s Fund is a bittersweet moment.

“This is not what we wanted, of course,” says Susan. “We would much rather have Brian still with us. But this is a fund that Brian always talked about getting together. He was one of the biggest, most loyal fans of Xavier. Brian just had this awesome spirit about him. He loved Xavier and was always grateful for the chance it took on him.”

The couple was gratified by the immediate reaction and support for the fund. “So many people reached out to us when Brian died and wanted to know what they could do,” says Susan. “Thanks to them and their contributions, Brian’s memory will go on.”

“Can you imagine the multiplier effect from these 60 students?” says Matt. “We only ask they remember down the road, when they are in a position to help Xavier students in need, that they remember what the fund did. That would be a great end result.”

“The wonderful thing is we are not talking big numbers,” says Susan. “It’s small numbers, $200 here and $200 there. But the impact can be huge. Eventually, we’d both like it where the fund is self-sustaining and around Xavier forever.”

Matt is portfolio manager for Bahl & Gaynor Investment Counsel Inc., and Susan is president at Blarney Communications. Between the two of them, they spend a great deal of time thinking and planning for the fund. The couple’s latest project involved a huge Dana Gardens fundraising party before a Xavier-Dayton basketball game.

The love for Xavier and its community is a family affair for the McCormicks. “Our kids, who are age 10 and 6, are certifiably brainwashed about Xavier,” says Matt. “Let’s put it this way: Both have been going to games since they were three months old. My son can rattle off player numbers going back to David West. They also, honestly, enjoy the Dippin’ Dots at Cintas.”

“We have always had in our wills that we would give something to Xavier,” says Matt. “We wanted to formalize a process to make a contribution that will last longer than we will.”