Inaugural McCormick
Spice Fortune Golf Outing
We are in the early stages of putting together a golf outing
to honor the memory of Brian and raise some money for his scholarship fund. I
have a few questions for everyone who is interested in playing or interested in
being a part of this event. The outing will be held in the summer of 2014.
Are you interested in playing?
What month works best for you?
Would you be bringing your entire family or just
Would you be interested in attending a Reds game
the night before?
If you are bringing your family would you be
interested in a trip to the Zoo?
Do you have a connection we can use to make this
a golf outing to remember?
Would you be interested in a Gallagher style
watermelon smashing contest? (thanks Ted)
Please send your responses to We will be
using this email address for the outing. We would also like to make this a golf
outing Brian would be proud of, so please let us know if you have any ideas we
could use to make this a great event. For example, one person from you team
must be wearing a Mexican wrestling mask at all times. Any suggestions or ideas
are very welcome.
We will also be making a facebook event. Look for it under McCormick Spice Fortune Golf Outing. Please invite anyone you think will want to know about this event. We are currently talking with courses in the Cincinnati area, I will post updates here and on the facebook page.
Thank you in advance for any help or suggestions
Mark Libs
Heir to the MAD LIBS fortune