Okay, it's Susan "Nicole Brown Simpson" McCormick here. That's often what Brian would call me, not because there is any resemblance, but simply because it had a good ring to it and my middle name happens to be Nicole.
So anyway, I'm in my kitchen yesterday plugging in Brian's iPod just to see what junk he had downloaded on it (because there are over 2000 songs). I'm flipping through it and there was some Guns 'n Roses, some Linkin Park, the University of Illinois drum line ??????, and then it comes to the next song titled, Punjabi MC....yes, Brian has Indian Punjab rap on his iPod. Okay, so I'm standing there shaking my head, smiling and laughing as I so often do when I'm thinking about Brian...and then, this damn song actually has a good beat. So, I find myself and my daughter doing our white-girl dancing in the kitchen. Can you picture it? A while later, Diane McCormick comes through the door and I make her listen to it too and she starts the booty shaking. I think Brian was onto something here....
Sorry, no photos of the booty shaking goin' on! Just remember that Brian continues to open our eyes to all kinds of new and different things.