
A sad day - Walt's Hitching Post Closes After 53 Years

Man, would Brian be mad today!

Walt’s is one of our favorite restaurants of all time. It is the place for ribs. Everybody - even Jesus - agrees Walt's totally kicks Montgomery Inn's Ass. Their ribs are smoked to perfection and the sauce is perfect. Walt’s toasted rye bread is like crack.

Walt's closing is terrible. I mean up there with Xavier losing to OSU terrible!

Brian took my mom for lunch to Walt’s for her birthday. Somehow, he got them to provide their toasted rye bread to them (Walt’s normally only served it for dinner). They ate like eight slices apiece before their food arrived!

Brian loved Walt’s and I can clearly hear him humming with happiness while he devoured another slab.

The last time we were there was for Brian’s birthday. We ate like champs and let loose some balloons to Brian in Walt’s parking lot.

I guess like everything in life, eventually there has to be an end.  Like many things, it just does not seem right.

Walt's Hitching Post Closes After 53 Years

1 comment:

  1. Matt is right. Brian enjoyed Walt's from the time he was a kid, traveling with me on sales calls. One time when Brian was still in Xavier, our good Chicago friend Duke Douglas called Brian and offered to buy him dinner at Walt's. This ended up being one of the very few times that Brian became embarassed by his own behavior.
    Brian loved Duke, but hadn't seen him in several years. Duke tells that he was at the bar waiting for Brian and Brian walked in, looked around for him but went over to another guy, a stranger, that was sitting at the bar and mistook him for Duke. Brian started one of his trademark stories with this guy and couldn't fathom why the guy was looking at him like he was crazy. That was when Duke had mercy on him, took him by the arm and bought him a drink. He saw Duke many times after that but never wanted to be reminded about that time when he mistook a Kentucky shot and beer guy for his meal ticket.

    Dick McCormick
