
Brian's message to my dad

Right after Brian died I remember wishing how we could get a sign from Brian that he was OK. I especially wished this for my parents.

About two weeks after that terrible day I got a call from my dad. He said he was driving up Far Hills near Centerville and was thinking about Brian. He had driven this route a thousand times and did not give the car next to him too much attention when he stopped at the light near Whipp road. My dad continued to drive and heard a horn beep. He ignored it a kept driving. It beeped again. My dad looked over and saw two twenty something girls in the next lane. They smiled and waved at my dad. My dad continued driving and heard another beep. He looked over. Saw the twenty something girl in the passenger seat. She looked at him. Smiled, and then proceed to pull her shirt up and flash my dad! My dad did a double take and laughed out loud as they sped away.

My dad called me and told me that I would never guess what happened to him. He told me the story and said he has never seen this happen. Dad also mentioned it was the first time he had a good laugh since Brian left us.

I thought a moment and laughed with him. Sure, the story was great. But, I laughed at the vision of my brother talking to St. Peter:

Brian (to St. Peter): “Hey, my Dad needs a sign from me that I am OK. This is how I want it to go down. I need a hot young chick to flash him while he is driving on Far Hills.”

St. Peter: “What? Are you sure this how you want to do this? Normally, we use sounds, feelings, dreams or something, something not as dramatic.”

Brian: “Nope. This is it. That way he will know it was from me. Because, my dad would know nobody else would send this type of message but me!”

St. Peter: “This may use up a lot of your future messages.”

Brian: “I am all in baby.”

I am certain all of us could see Brian having this conversation with St. Peter and understand that this would be perfectly logical to him.

Love and miss you Brian.

PS. I and all of your guy buddies would appreciate a “message” like this every once a while too!

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