After seeing my eldest brother's Facebook profile picture (left), it reminded me of Brian's love for great 80's movies, especially Revenge of the Nerds.
(I believe we might have already discussed his love of all things Revenge of the Nerds, but I think it deserves another post.)
Anyone that spent a night out with Brian can confirm that a large portion of his vocabulary consisted of quotes from 80's movies like Sixteen Candles and Revenge of the Nerds.
At random situations he would blurt out a quote from Long Duck Dong like"No more yankie my wankie. The Donger need food." or "What's happening hot stuff" in his best Asian accent. Totally random but completely hilarious at the time.
His favorite quote from Revenge of the Nerds had to be "Smell this one, Nerd" and he would fit it into any conversation. Pretty amazing, I know. Now this might seem a little uncouth, but he usually did not have an accompanying "gastrointestinal incident" that could make the situation wholly unpleasant. He just enjoyed saying it. A lot.
I also remember him calling me "Nerd" most of my life and he would use it as his standard greeting, and yell it Ogre-style, even at family gatherings. Sort of like this.
As I get older, I constantly strain to remember Brian and the sometimes outrageous things he would do and say. So when I saw Ogre's picture today, I thought of Brian and laughed.
I hope that in the future I can continue to remember, to laugh, to call his nephew and niece "Nerds," and say to his family and friends "Smell this one, Nerd." Just like Brian did.
Love and Miss you, Brian.
Justin: Great post! “Revenge of the Nerds” was definitely Brian’s favorite movie of all time. Justin was absolutely correct about Brian’s quoting it and some would say living it! I remember in 1992 when our whole family went to New York City. I was a senior at X and Brian was a senior at Alter. We went to a Pottery Barn and they had a huge trophy for sale. (Think of the one Ogre was drinking beer out of). They wanted $75 for it. Brian and I thought about it and decided it was too expensive. We kept coming back to it, but none of us had the jack and my mom would not buy it for us “just to drink beer out of it” (which is EXACTLY what we were going to do with it – just like Ogre). We already decided that I would use until my college “career” was over and then I would bequeath it to him. Well, we ended up never getting it. From time to time, Brian and I would both reminiscence about “Ogre’s trophy” and always end up saying “we should have bought it.” We then both agreed that Brian would have ended up losing it anyways!