
What a great weekend!

Congratulations to Drew and Stacey Gunnoe on the birth of their daughter Katherine Vida Gunnoe.   Mom and baby are doing great.  Dad is already searching for a baby kayak for his girl.  What a beautiful baby!
Xavier absolutely crushed UC.
Patrick made two free throws in overtime - with 13 seconds left - to ice the victory for St. Gabriel’s.  His team remains undefeated and plays in Cincinnati CYO’s toughest seventh grade division.
All is right with the world.  Brian would be ecstatic with all the good news and looking to celebrate.
We are truly blessed.


Happy Thanksgiving!

Couple of random thoughts:

·       Brian would always be one of the last to show up at a family gathering (e.g., Thanksgiving, Christmas, Bat Mitzvah’s, etc.,) and the first to leave.  Usually, because he “had to go somewhere.”

·       All the McCormick men - except Patrick - have been hurt while fishing (yes, fishing.) Dad hurt his shoulder in Brazil as he was trying to get away from the “ugliest, hairiest spider in the world” while showering on the boat.  He slipped, fell and hurt his shoulder.  Dad eventually required surgery.  Brian, in his usually Christian manner said at breakfast: “Hey, did you hear that a****** fall in the shower?”  Dad:  “That a******* was me.”  Brian (laughing) “oh.”  Matt got his ear caught on a fishing hook in Costa Rica.  Brian (again in a Christian manner): “Mom is going to be mad that you pierced your ear.”  Brian dislocated his knee in Canada while trying to push a huge boulder into the lake.  Brilliant, we are all simply brilliant - and fishing is really dangerous - just to the McCormick men!

·       He was always humming.  Usually, during happy times like eating.  Brian liked to eat good stuff and was always finding the most exotic foods.  He was a regular at Jungle Jim’s.  Case in point, he loved to drink Coca-Cola from Mexico because it used real cane sugar instead of the “processed crap” we had in the states.   It was too sweet for my taste.  But, seriously, who in the hell would know this except Brian?

·        Like most McCormick men, Brian could sometimes pull arcane facts out of his arse.  I loved his stories about the College Bowl quiz team at Xavier.  He named the team “Bye” in hopes that other team would believe they would not have to show up.  Brilliant – but did not work.  Brian told me that "Team Bye" played a bunch of nerds.  He especially did well and (I think) the team won.  Brian, being his usually gracious self, rubbed it in.  Brian then told me right after the match he had to go to a disciplinary board meeting that was chaired by "Team Nerd’s" captain.  Amazingly, Brian got off with a warning. 

I think about Brian every day and will always miss him.  Man, he had personality and made an impact on everyone he knew.  Love you Brian!


"Do it for Johhny!"

Eight years ago tomorrow I completed the Chicago Marathon. I enjoyed crossing off one of my life’s goals – but it hurt like hell doing it!
When I was on the last quarter mile I was near exhaustion. I was tired, grumpy and hurt all over (y’know, feeling normal) because some dumbass decided to put a hill near the finish! As I was getting close to the final turn near the finish line, I head Brian’s distinctive voice, trying to urge me on: "C’mon Matt McCormick! "C’mon Matt McCormick! Do it for Johnny!" 
For those of you who don’t know/remember, the clip from "The Outsiders" may help you. Brian and I would often encourage each other or others to "Do it for Johnny" when they needed to go the extra mile for something. Or, when doing a shot.


Rest in peace Dr. Marcos E. Amongero, M.D.

The entire McCormick clan went to the memorial mass for Dr. Marcos Amongero today.  Marcos is the brother of Kevin Amongero.  We are dear friends with his family.  Kevin’s wife Tori and Susan buy shoes at Nordstroms together (frequently!) and our kids go to the same school.  It was quite a testimony to Marcos as Holy Angels church in Dayton was packed. It was a moving ceremony and our friend Tammy Schaff provided some amazing singing. 
I only met Marcos a few times.  He was always a cool cat - comfortable in his own skin, a brain without having to prove it and he loved being with his family.  His prayer card was particularly moving:

To those I love and those who love me
When I am gone, release me, let me go,
I have so many things to see and do.
You mustn’t tie yourselves to me with tears
Be thankful for our beautiful years.
I gave to you my love. But you can only guess
How much you gave to me in happiness.
I thank you for the love you each have shown.
But, now it's time to travel on alone.
So grieve awhile for me, if grieve you must.
Then let grief be comforted by trust.
It's only for a time that we must part,
So bless the memories within your heart.
I won't be far away, for life goes on,
And if you need me call and I’ll come.
Though you can't see or touch me, I'll be near
and if you listen with your heart, you’ll hear
All my love around you soft and clear
And then, when you must come this way alone,
I'll greet you with a smile and say
'Welcome Home.'
Marcos, like Brian, lived a full life in their limited years.  Both had moving funeral masses and had many friends remarking about their amazing lives, experiences and how much they will be missed.  I thought: “this has to be the greatest honor bestowed upon a person.”  Where, upon your death, people talk at great length about how you made such a positive impact on their lives. How you left the world a better place. How you made them better.   It humbles me.  I firmly believe how you are remembered is the truest measure of success.  May we all strive to be as successful as Marcos and Brian.  God rest them both.   


In keeping with Matt's post below I wanted to share of photo of myself invoking Brian spirit in Idaho this past summer. This picture was taken somewhere deep in the Frank Church Wilderness area of central Idaho on our trip down the Middle Fork of the Salmon River.

It was costume night and, as always, I tried to make Brian proud...


Brian would have loved this and probably still had a hand in it someway.


Patrick channeling his “inner Brian” while go-karting!

We have been fortunate to go on several fun trips this summer.  As usual, we went to Door County Wisconsin and helped the economy.  The kids love all the fun stuff to do and the adults (per contract with the Wisconsin Economic Development Fund) shop and gain a guaranteed 10 pounds. 
The favorite event is go-karting.  Patrick is especially good since he can drive well and only weighs 90 pounds.  Thus, he is much faster than almost everyone.  As the following story will indicate, I could tell Brian was with Patrick.  My loving son passed me with a huge smile on his face.  He proceed to get in front of me, thrust his right arm triumphantly in the air and put his index finger up in an “I am number one” salute.  He held his arm up for about ten seconds and even gave a patented “McCormick head nod” with glee. 
Many of you will know Brian also used this move - especially during go-kart racing - and probably tried to trademark it as well.  I laughed out loud.  I was proud of Patrick and struck with the fact that Brian would have done the exact same thing (after trying to put me into the wall!) 


Inaugural "Heir to the McCormick Spice Fortune" Golf Outing

 Inaugural McCormick Spice Fortune Golf Outing

We are in the early stages of putting together a golf outing to honor the memory of Brian and raise some money for his scholarship fund. I have a few questions for everyone who is interested in playing or interested in being a part of this event. The outing will be held in the summer of 2014. 

1.       Are you interested in playing?
2.       What month works best for you?
3.       Would you be bringing your entire family or just yourself?
4.       Would you be interested in attending a Reds game the night before?
5.       If you are bringing your family would you be interested in a trip to the Zoo?
6.       Do you have a connection we can use to make this a golf outing to remember?
7.       Would you be interested in a Gallagher style watermelon smashing contest? (thanks Ted)

Please send your responses to spicefortune@gmail.com. We will be using this email address for the outing. We would also like to make this a golf outing Brian would be proud of, so please let us know if you have any ideas we could use to make this a great event. For example, one person from you team must be wearing a Mexican wrestling mask at all times. Any suggestions or ideas are very welcome.

We will also be making a facebook event.  Look for it under McCormick Spice Fortune Golf Outing. Please invite anyone you think will want to know about this event. We are currently talking with courses in the Cincinnati area, I will post updates here and on the facebook page.

Thank you in advance for any help or suggestions

Mark Libs
Heir to the MAD LIBS fortune


"You truly have no idea how idea how much the Brian McCormick fund has helped me. It is truly a blessing!"

Dear Mr. McCormick:
Hello!  My name is ______ ______ and I am a student at Xavier University.  I am biology major and hoping to become chemistry minor this fall.  In the future, I’d also like to study languages and become a linguistic.  My main goal is to go to Med school after my undergraduate years at Xavier.  I will be a junior this fall – meaning after this year I will have one more year.
Every semester I come to Xavier University with high hopes and ambition knowing the only job I have right now is being the best student that I can be, and achieving the best grades possible.  I know that I can do this if I work hard and put my mind to it.  Nothing can keep me away, but there is something that always holds me back – which is the money/the costs for paying to go and study at Xavier.  I know I can handle my classes and my grades – but, money has always been a factor in deciding if I am able to return to Xavier each semester.
I’d like to take this time to thank you so very much!  You truly have no idea how idea how much the Brian McCormick fund has helped me.  It is truly a blessing!   I really, REALLY, cannot thank you enough!  I am truly grateful and will forever be grateful.  You have reassured me that no matter what obstacle I come across – I can, somehow, overcome it.  I know now that there is always a way, and that if I fight real hard for my dreams (God willing) it will happen and come true.  It is people like you who help people succeed and reach their goals.  You give people like me hope and the willpower to continue to work for my dreams.
I thank you so very much Mr. McCormick.  I thank your family.  I hope you don’t mind me saying this, but, may God’s blessings be upon you and your family!  What you do and how you give TRULY changes and helps people’s lives for the better - because, it has truly helped me.
Again, thank you so very much Mr. McCormick!  May God’s peace and blessings be onto you and your family.  And, most importantly, your son!
From a student you have greatly helped in continuing her education and becoming something greater in the future. 
Name withheld   J
You are most welcome.  Your letter was simply awesome and inspiring!  Again, I am not alone in supporting Brian’s fund.  However, your letter is the reason why we continue to keep Brian’s vision alive.  We should thank you!

PS.  This is the 70th Xavier student Brian's fund has kept in school!  WOW!

Fishing and Tommy Boy

Patrick, my dad and I just got back from Canada on a fishing trip.  As you can see, Patrick is turning out to be quite the fisherman.  (He caught the biggest fish only 10 minutes after arriving at the camp!) 
I could not help remembering the many fishing trips we all took with Brian.  We were fortunate to go to many places and occasionally caught some big fish.  (We usually just drank beer, told lies and had a blast everywhere we went.) After one Costa Rica trip, Brian asked to see my carry-on bag after we cleared customs.  He quickly rifled through stuff and pulled out the airplane’s life preserver that I thought was under my seat!  (Brian placed it in my bag without my knowledge.) He simply said “thanks.”  I was dumbfounded and said “Hey!  I could have been busted! I think that is a felony.”  Brian mumbled “Umm…yeah… maybe…but, you didn’t get caught and it would have been great to see your reaction if you did.”   I was speechless for one of the few times in my life. 
I later learned Brian pulled out the life preserver at a Xavier party.  He told me it was just like the pre-flight safety announcement scene in “Tommy Boy” where Chris Farley opened the preserver and almost choked.  Brian said it was just like the movie as the preserver nearly choked him as it inflated!  He laughingly told me he struggled to find a fork – so he could stab it several times – in order to breathe.   Brian also thought it was funny the FAA would probably get a notice that a life preserver, previously on a plane from Costa Rica, would suddenly go off at 2 AM in Cincinnati, Ohio.  He laughed thinking about some FAA nerd trying to figure it out.

As the title of the blog says….”Only Brian!”   


Brian and Andy from Andy's Mediterranean Grille

I heard from Andy Hajjar recently. You may know him from “Andy’s Mediterranean Grille.”  (http://www.andyskabob.com/index.html) Brian lived close by and loved to eat there on a regular basis. (Brian – as a true gourmand -  probably ate at Andy’s more than he dined at his own house!)  Brian soon became fast friends with Andy and the entire restaurant staff.  He would frequently go out on the town with them.  Brian would especially delight in telling me stories about his exploits and fun times he often had with Andy.  
Andy’s kind note stated he “could not believe it has been five years” and how he “really missed him.”  He encouraged us to stop by (we will!) and remembered Brian’s “favorite beer was Almaza” how he used to eat “Tawook Kabob.”
Thank you Andy for remembering Brian and for being his friend.  I think it is great that Brian is still loved and missed by so many people.  I also think it is perfect that Brian is also remembered by Andy for what he would love to eat and drink! 
I can hear him humming now as he ate the Tawook Kabob!


XU Grad’s June 6th Book Signing At Dana’s – Also a Fundraiser for Brian McCormick’s (Pablo) Memorial Fund

Ashley (Kuehner) Scribner is a 2002 Xavier graduate.  Her brother Aaron used to get in trouble with Brian.  Ashley and her husband (Curtis - also a XU grad) recently published a children's book called "Findlay: A Cincinnati Pig Tale."  It is now on Amazon (click here) and will hit bookshelves shortly.
The Scribners are having a book signing on June sixth at Dana's.  They will graciously give a portion of every book sold that night to Brian's Memorial Fund.  This fund - thanks to support from the Xavier Community - has kept over 70 XU kids in school.
Please stop by Dana's on June sixth and support these wonderfully kind and creative Xavier graduates.  In addition, you get to drink beer and help Pablo keep more Xavier students in school. 
THANK you to Ashley, Curtis and BJ for their amazing generosity and kindness.  These are the people - and the reasons - why Xavier is special and UD is not.
God Bless you and yours.  The McCormick Family. 


Caroline's First Communion & Justin

Caroline had her first communion today. She looked beautiful and we had enough food to feed an army - three of them! It was great having the entire family over to our house. Family gatherings are a superb time to meet, tell stories, laugh and appreciate how blessed we are.
Justin had the story of the day. He went to the University of Dayton's graduation earlier today to celebrate Jenny's sister's graduation. UD allowed text messages to be displayed on the score board like "Congratulations Billy" or "Way to go Jane." Justin, in Brian's honor, tried to text: "GO XU!" "Xavier rules. UD sucks. Love, Pablo."
Amazingly, "THE MAN" in charge refused to post them after numerous attempts. Imagine why?
Susan and I thank everyone for help celebrating a big day in Caroline’s life.  Also, take care and God Bless Jenny and Justin on the newest journey in your lives.     


Five years

Today, it is the five year anniversary of Brian’s death.  Anniversaries are usually good things.  This is, of course, not one of those days any of us are fond of remembering.  The world sure has changed.  We have too.  Older, grayer and just different is how things are with me now with my only brother gone.  I catch looks of him in smiles from Patrick.  I see that “look” in Caroline when he was trying to get away with something.  I think about Brian daily.  Sometimes at the oddest moments and often I just laugh out loud of some of the crap he pulled. 

One of the greatest Brian stories ever occurred when he was on a cruise with his group of friends.  There was a couple from New Jersey that Brian instantly disliked.  From my understanding, the feeling was mutual.  Well, on the last night of the cruise, Brian went up to the couple and said: “I am sorry we did not get along on the trip.  How about I make it up to you?  I already talked to the captain and told him your dinner is on me.”  Then, Brian walked away.

The New Jersey couple could hardly believe their luck.  Brian told me he watched them order lobster, steak, champagne, multiple desserts, etc.  They were running up a huge tab like Tony Soprano!  After they had their fill, the couple walked away from the table.  The captain said: “What are you doing?”  The NJ guy said: “It’s OK.  Brian McCormick told me he talked to you about paying my dinner bill.”  The captain said: “Brian McCormick told me no such thing.” 

Brian told me you could literally see steam coming out of the New Jersey guy’s ears, nose and mouth.  He was so angry and had to pay a whopper of a bill!

The next day Brian saw the couple in customs.  He said: “How was dinner?”  Brian told me he could not stop laughing because they guy let out a string of curse words that are still probably floating over the Caribbean. 
You see, Brian was so freaking funny AND smart at the same time!  He KNEW the NJ guy would try and take advantage of the situation and run up Brian’s supposed tab.  He KNEW he could not help himself and would delight in “sticking it to McCormick” all the while he was actually sticking “it” to himself. 
All the McCormick’s delight in telling that story about Brian because EVERYONE says it is great.  It personifies Brian; funny, smart and wickedly clever. Not a bad way to be described if you think of it. 
These April days are the toughest.   They are not easy years later and I still catch myself reaching for the phone to call him.  I often wonder what he would have done.  How he would have handled something and what he would become. 
I find great solace in his Memorial fund.  This fund was his idea.  Helping 70 Xavier students stay in school (so far) is a powerful legacy for Brian that I am determined to keep going.  I like to think he helps us – and those needy XU kids – in little ways.  (I feel his has helped me in numerous ways.)  God knows, we could use all the help we can get! 
Remember Brian with a smile today.  Also remember him the next time you see a guy from New Jersey with an attitude – and hope he was the guy Brian “got” at dinner!
Love you and miss you Brian! 


A late Christmas card produces a smile!

Dear Mr. McCormick:

I apologize deeply for the late thank you note.  I hope that I did not come off as ungrateful because that is the complete opposite of what I am.  Your blessing could not have come at a better time.  Just when I thought that I would have to leave school because of finances, you made it possible for me to stay.  I cannot say to you enough, how much of a blessing you were.  I’m really sorry for the late thank you, but life has been happening, yet this is no excuse.  Right before school started in August, my family went through a very tough patch.  But, thank you for keeping the dream alive for another semester because, I was discouraged as the funds I needed for school were no longer available.  I thought I would not be able to attend Xavier.  But, God made it happen.  My mom is trying to pay tuition by herself and worries she will not be able to make ends meet.  I really enjoy school and my first semester GPA was 3.0.  This should have been better, but I was a little distracted and could have tried harder also.  But, I want you to know that you are an angel and will have a special place in Heaven.  I once watched a show where a man died and came back.  He saw God and was asked “what good have you done in your life?”  He could not answer.  But, when that day comes, you can proudly say “I helped ______ ______ stay in school.”  I thank you so very much!  As you can see, the card was supposed to be sent around Christmas, oops!  I hope your family’s holidays were awesome and full of memories. 

Name withheld

** Your kind note is appreciated.  However, I am not an angle - and none of the McCormicks' are!  Please remember all contributions to Brian's fund are from the McCormick family, Brian's friends and the Xavier Nation.  Best, MM **


Great time last night!

Thanks for everyone coming to Dana's and celebrating Brian.  Everyone had a great time and it felt like Brian was with us.  We especially appreciate the effort from all of Brian's friends and family from out of town.  Wish the score could have been different!  Thanks to BJ and everyone at Dana's too. 

Love, the McCormicks


2/23/13: "Beers for Brian" 12-2 PM @ Dana's

I am looking forward to seeing everyone there. It is always a great time to remember Brian and have some fun. Remember, seek me out and you "shall be rewarded!" Take care and God bless you and yours. Matt  


Brian/Pablo and the XU/UD game

Brian’s “feelings” towards the University of Dayton are well known and will be dissected by fans and scholars for years to come.  He was one of Xavier University’s biggest fans and his nom de guerre on the XU message boards was “Pablo.”  Brian loved beating UD.  He especially delighted in irritating the “Flyer Faithful” whenever possible and they absolutely despised “Pablo.”  Brian pushed – and exceeded – normal fan boundaries through his numerous “provocative” posts, his epic live rant on WHIO 1290 “Flyer Feedback” and making watermelons forever associated with the University of Dayton. 

We decided not to hold a fund raiser for Brian’s memorial fund at XU prior to the UD game this year as the game was on a Wednesday and at 9 PM.  This is the first time since 2008 we have not held an event.  (I understand many of Brian’s buddies are going to Dana’s at noon on 2/23/13 prior to the 2 PM VCU game.  We are not conducting a fund raiser at that time and are contemplating new ways to honor Brian and raise more jack. All are welcome and people may still donate directly to XU in his name at anytime.  I encourage anyone who knew Brian to seek me out as you will be “rewarded!”)

The McCormick’s went to Dana’s prior to the UD game to have “Pablo’s cheesy tater tots, a burger and beer.  Though we did not discuss it, it was also partly to think of Brian, honor him in our own way and think of him as we know he would be exactly at this spot if he was physically with us. 

As I have discussed before, Brian seems to make his presence known to us in mysterious ways.  Some may call them coincidences - I call it “really cool.”  Case in point, while we were at dinner Susan received an email from Barnum & Bailey circus addressed to Brian McCormick.  Brian took Patrick, Susan and I to the circus at the UD Arena when Patrick was five.  What are the odds that Susan would get an email addressed to Brian, while at Dana’s an hour before the XU/UD game?   
Here is another example; the game was really close and there was less than a minute to play.  I silently prayed to Brian “c’mon Brian, help your boys out.  They really need some help.”  Take a look at the video below.  Number 15 shot a deep three.  It went a close as possible to going in and then suddenly it popped out.  XU got the rebound, got fouled/made some free throws and the game was over.  This video does not do this shot justice.  Our seats are right in line with the basket and I absolutely thought that three-pointer was in and yet it was not.  Many people said it was "divine influence."  Brian was not divine - but he could and did "influence" many people and things!  Maybe even this shot?


One day I will ask Brian did he do this stuff.  Knowing Brian, he will take complete credit and even make up some things too.  Either way, both experiences made us feel that Brian is with us.  Lastly, thanks Pablo!  It is so sweet to beat UD! 


Two more students stay at Xavier thanks to you!

Dear Mr. McCormick:
I just wanted to give you special thanks for helping me with my college tuition.  It means soooo much to me that there are people out there who are still able to give back to educate the young. With that money, I was able to complete the rest of my semester with a 3.0 GPA.  Now I am able to complete my last two semesters of college and graduate.  I wouldn’t be able to do this without your help.  You have inspired me to do the same when I get out of school. I want to give back to less fortunate college students like you did for me.  I will never forget the blessing you have given me.  Thank you again and happy holidays!
Name withheld
Dear McCormick Family:
Thank you for your generosity.  I received $1,000 from the Brian McCormick Fund to help me with my tuition here at Xavier University for the fall semester of 2012.  Thanks to your help.  I will now be able to complete my sophomore year as a pre-med student.  I aspire to be a pediatrician and you helped me on my journey to reach my goal. Thank you!  I hope you have a wonderful new year! 
Name withheld