
"You truly have no idea how idea how much the Brian McCormick fund has helped me. It is truly a blessing!"

Dear Mr. McCormick:
Hello!  My name is ______ ______ and I am a student at Xavier University.  I am biology major and hoping to become chemistry minor this fall.  In the future, I’d also like to study languages and become a linguistic.  My main goal is to go to Med school after my undergraduate years at Xavier.  I will be a junior this fall – meaning after this year I will have one more year.
Every semester I come to Xavier University with high hopes and ambition knowing the only job I have right now is being the best student that I can be, and achieving the best grades possible.  I know that I can do this if I work hard and put my mind to it.  Nothing can keep me away, but there is something that always holds me back – which is the money/the costs for paying to go and study at Xavier.  I know I can handle my classes and my grades – but, money has always been a factor in deciding if I am able to return to Xavier each semester.
I’d like to take this time to thank you so very much!  You truly have no idea how idea how much the Brian McCormick fund has helped me.  It is truly a blessing!   I really, REALLY, cannot thank you enough!  I am truly grateful and will forever be grateful.  You have reassured me that no matter what obstacle I come across – I can, somehow, overcome it.  I know now that there is always a way, and that if I fight real hard for my dreams (God willing) it will happen and come true.  It is people like you who help people succeed and reach their goals.  You give people like me hope and the willpower to continue to work for my dreams.
I thank you so very much Mr. McCormick.  I thank your family.  I hope you don’t mind me saying this, but, may God’s blessings be upon you and your family!  What you do and how you give TRULY changes and helps people’s lives for the better - because, it has truly helped me.
Again, thank you so very much Mr. McCormick!  May God’s peace and blessings be onto you and your family.  And, most importantly, your son!
From a student you have greatly helped in continuing her education and becoming something greater in the future. 
Name withheld   J
You are most welcome.  Your letter was simply awesome and inspiring!  Again, I am not alone in supporting Brian’s fund.  However, your letter is the reason why we continue to keep Brian’s vision alive.  We should thank you!

PS.  This is the 70th Xavier student Brian's fund has kept in school!  WOW!

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