
Hugs from Brian

Today is Brian’s third anniversary. It still does not seem real or fair. I keep feeling that “this was not supposed to happen” and fully expect Brian to walk through our door while talking to someone on his cell phone. I think of missed meals, family occasions, Xavier games and holidays and wonder how Brian would react? I think of him watching Patrick and Caroline grow and miss watching Brian trying to corrupt them as much as possible. (Patrick said “Uncle Brian always let me do anything I wanted!")

I keep wondering “what if?” Yet, I know those thoughts will not bring him back. I do have a strong belief that Brian is with us in many ways – most we probably are not even aware of. Yet, there have been too many things that have happened since he has left that are more than just a coincidence. It gives me a great deal of comfort that he is with us somehow. It keeps him alive!

All of the McCormick’s are passionate about keeping Brian’s memorial fund alive. We have (and will continue to hold) several fund raisers for this fund. Brian always wanted a “foundation” that would help keep needy Xavier kids in school regardless of their academic standing. As we all know, Brian attended and somehow graduated from XU. (It has been scientifically proven that he rarely “stood” during his four year tenure/vacation at Xavier.) He always wanted to set up this fund “once he won the lotto”. Well, Brian, you might not have won the lotto. But, your fund has – and will – done at lot of good. To date, your family and friends have:

• Raised over $40.5 thousand dollars
• Donated $28 thousand
• Kept 45 kids at Xavier

Brian, you already have an incredible legacy. These 45 students, and the next 45 students and the 45 after them, will only increase it! That is winning the lotto! Can you imagine the good that will be generated from “Brian’s kids?” It will be marvelous to watch.

My dad gave me the photo of Brian hugging me a few months ago. He called it a “keeper” as it was on April 21, 2001. That is the day my son Patrick was born. It was a truly glorious day for the McCormick family as Brian gave his “patented McCormick head nod” in celebration of his nephew’s birth. (I cannot believe he will be 10 years old in a matter of days.) What I can believe and none of you are surprised to see our Brian hugging it out with his cell phone firmly in his hand!

Both Patrick and Caroline discuss how they miss Brian. We asked them what they miss the most. Patrick said “I miss Uncle Brian’s hugs. He was the best hugger.” What a way to be remembered by!

Some day – hopefully many, many years away I will see my brother again. I fully expect one of Brian’s best hugs ever at that time. It is what I imagine Heaven will be like. It will be glorious. Until then, I will have to make do with his unforgettable memory and the absolute knowledge of his love for me, his family and friends.

Smile today. Think of his life. Laugh at something only Brian could pull off. Know that Brian is with you and hugging you to.

Love and miss you Brian!


Just like Brian, this XU student "came to Xavier refusing to become part of the background".

Dear McCormick Family:

My name is ______ ______ and I am a current freshmen here at Xavier University. I want to graciously thank you for your contribution to the office of the Student Success and Retention. Your contribution has helped me better afford my education here at Xavier. I am currently seeking a degree in Organizational Communications with a minor in Sociology. I also participate in a lot of activities here on campus. I also have a job with Xavier, participate in the Gospel Choir and many service organizations on campus.  I came to Xavier refusing to become part of the background and I do believe I have succefully fulfilled that goal thus far. So, as you can see, not being able to attend Xavier anymore would be a devastation to me. That is why your contribution means that much more to me. I also believe that all too often people are unable to do what they aspire to do because of a lack of finances. So, when I can across someone who is willing to prevent that – I can do nothing but say thank you with the utmost gratitude.


Name witheld


New York - Flashback

I was in New York City for business this last week and upon return to La Guardia airport by cab I had a flashback to Brian and I going the same route next to the water and over the bridge to the airport during our weekend trip to NYC and it made me smile. I sat there thinking to myself that I could just as easily have cried, but Brian wouldn't have wanted it that way. Brian was the absolute best friend anyone could have and when I think back to our 15 years of friendship I'm truly thankful for the genuine impact he had on my life and for that I smile.