

After seeing my eldest brother's Facebook profile picture (left), it reminded me of Brian's love for great 80's movies, especially Revenge of the Nerds.

(I believe we might have already discussed his love of all things Revenge of the Nerds, but I think it deserves another post.)

Anyone that spent a night out with Brian can confirm that a large portion of his vocabulary consisted of quotes from 80's movies like Sixteen Candles and Revenge of the Nerds.

At random situations he would blurt out a quote from Long Duck Dong like"No more yankie my wankie. The Donger need food." or "What's happening hot stuff" in his best Asian accent. Totally random but completely hilarious at the time.

His favorite quote from Revenge of the Nerds had to be "Smell this one, Nerd" and he would fit it into any conversation. Pretty amazing, I know. Now this might seem a little uncouth, but he usually did not have an accompanying "gastrointestinal incident" that could make the situation wholly unpleasant. He just enjoyed saying it. A lot.

I also remember him calling me "Nerd" most of my life and he would use it as his standard greeting, and yell it Ogre-style, even at family gatherings. Sort of like this.

As I get older, I constantly strain to remember Brian and the sometimes outrageous things he would do and say. So when I saw Ogre's picture today, I thought of Brian and laughed.

I hope that in the future I can continue to remember, to laugh, to call his nephew and niece "Nerds," and say to his family and friends "Smell this one, Nerd." Just like Brian did.

Love and Miss you, Brian.


"Helping others in honor of your brother’s memory"

Dear Mr. McCormick:

I am writing this to thank you for all you have done. My name is ____ ______ and I am a first year at Xavier University. My family has been having financial issues lately and I feared I would not be able to continue going here. It is thanks to the money you have donated that I have a chance here. Thank you so very much.

Mr. Schiess informed me of the tragedy that happened to your family and I am truly sorry for your loss. However, I admire you for wanting to keep going and helping others in honor of your brother’s memory. You are a great man.

Name withheld

** You are most welcome.  Though we have donated funds, a large amount of Brian's memorial fund comes from the generous donations of his friends, family and the Xavier Nation.  I do not feel I am a "great man" - however, I do appreciate the compliment!  The McCormicks' are just trying to implement Brian's dream to help XU student's in financial distress.  None of us are "great".  Though, Brian's idea is.  That is why we are "helping others in honor of your brother's memory" and that is why you are still at Xavier. Best wishes, MM **